Tidbits, Resources, and Discussion for ELI Faculty

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Developmental Math Materials Available from VCCS

Continuing on my theme from my last post--for those of you who teach developmental math, you get an added bonus from the work of the Developmental Education Task Force: partly as a result of this group's work, the VCCS has purchased a complete Blackboard course in developmental math topics. The materials in the course, which include learning activities and games, quizzes and tests, and lessons, are freely available to be used in any VCCS course. You can use anything from just one activity to the whole course, and you can use the materials in online courses, hybrid courses, or face-to-face courses. The only restriction is that the materials can only be used by VCCS students, so they must be housed in Blackboard, not posted on a public website.

If you want to have access to the materials, contact Michelle Gee and she can add you to the Blackboard site. If you do take a look, I'd be interested to hear what you think of them, and how they are working once you've put them in place! Post a comment here, or post comments in the ELI Faculty Lounge (hey, remember that?) Blackboard site in the forum specifically dedicated to math instruction.

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