Tidbits, Resources, and Discussion for ELI Faculty

Friday, April 18, 2008

SALT conference in Arlington this year

Nan Peck alerted me today to the fact that this year's SALT conference (SALT = Society for Applied Learning Technology) is in Arlington. This means that although the registration fees are a bit pricey, we won't incur travel or hotel expenses to attend this conference, so it's a relatively inexpensive professional development opportunity. It is always useful to hear and see what colleagues around the nation are doing--too often, we only know what we're doing at NOVA, or what we're doing in the VCCS (and also too often, we don't even know those things, but that is the subject of another post entirely!).

I'd suggest that you take a look at the conference homepage (http://www.salt.org/dc/washingtonP.asp) and the conference program (click "Program by Track" on the left and then look at the presentations for each track you're interested in). If you're interested in attending, talk to your Dean to see if s/he can fund your attendance.

There are discounts for groups attending from the same government organization, so if you want to attend and your Dean approves it, let me know so that I can register us all together. Please let me know by Sunday, May 11, so that I have time to do the signups and get us early-bird registrations in addition to the group discount.

I know that the conference, because it takes place August 20-22, will be very inconvenient for those of you teaching campus classes that will have just started. But I know many of you teach mostly or all for ELI, or teach campus hybrid courses, so you may have the flexibility to attend.

I look forward to hearing of your interest!

Edited to add: We have to get permission from Dr. Templin to have more than a certain number (3, I think) of people attend the same conference. I think I can make a good case in this instance, but I just wanted to clarify that I can't promise we can all attend even if we have the funds. But, see if you're interested, see if your Dean can fund you, let me know of your interest, and then I'll work on getting us permission.

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