Tidbits, Resources, and Discussion for ELI Faculty

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Are you using SafeAssign to detect plagiarism?

I was just reading an entry on Professing Mama about plagiarism, and I'm wondering: are you using SafeAssign (the Blackboard utility for plagiarism detection) in your ELI courses? How is it going? Do students find it easy to use? Have you gotten any of the kinds of protests from students that we heard with the use of TurnItIn? Do you use it as part of your grading process, or is it learning tool for students before they submit a paper?


Anonymous said...

I am curious about why students had a negative reaction to Turnitin. Did instructors allow them to see their results? It sure could have helped Professing Mama if her students knew a service like Tii was in use - don't you think?

Anonymous said...

I do not like to have all students submit all work through Safe Assign (for one thing, I hate those wordy agreement notices). But I do make use of the Direct Submit feature to submit suspect papers myself. I doubt that many instructors are aware of this option since I was not until it was pointed out to me. I used Turn it in the same way - I submitted suspect papers myself rather than having all students submit their work there.
Students (and others) complain about Tii because they may see it as a copyright infringement on their work (since Tii keeps copies of submitted work and makes use of it).