Tidbits, Resources, and Discussion for ELI Faculty

Friday, March 13, 2009

Launching the ELI Student Blog

Next week, we'll be launching the ELI Student Blog, ELIfe. I'll announce it formally when it's officially available, but for now, I'm soliciting your ideas and participation.

What topics do you think we should post about on the blog? It should be things that students will find both interesting and useful.

And, would you be interested in writing for the student blog now and again?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Topics should include success strategies like time management and avoiding procrastination, study skills like how to get the most out of reading a text (which might be different than with a lecture based class where the teacher might reference specific things from the reading to pay attention to) and studying for an exam. You might invite successful ELI students to "guest write" pieces with their "secrets for success" in distance learning. Also invite students to air their gripes regarding ELI policies, proceedures and even demands of certain ELI courses/instructors. Then ELI staff and/or instructors can address those gripes. Notices of upcoming deadlines and changes in ELI policies and proceedures might also be included in this Blog as just one more place to "get the word out" to students.

Students might also like a "cyber cafe" area where they can "chat" directly with each other. Perhaps a Blackboard site "ELI Student Lounge" similar to what we have for ELI faculty.