Tidbits, Resources, and Discussion for ELI Faculty

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Finding New Faculty to Teach at ELI

For the first time (at least that I'm aware of), we put ELI in the adjunct block ad HR publishes each term--and wow, have we gotten a huge response. I've heard from people around the region, the state, the country, and even internationally who want to know more about teaching for us. It's amazing to see how much distance learning is growing and how many people want to try it out.

I've put together a brief FAQ to tell interested parties a few basic things about ELI. Take a look and tell me what you think. Are there things I'm missing that I should include in this first, overview-type FAQ? (We of course provide more information later, like sharing the MOU.)

(As a related aside, some of you may remember that long ago, I asked you for feedback on the faculty portion of the ELI site and how we could redesign it to make it more useful to you. That's still coming--and so, no need to comment on the layout of this document in terms of web design--just content.)

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