Tidbits, Resources, and Discussion for ELI Faculty

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

NOVA's Social Networking Sites

I've just finished writing some posts for ELIfe, our student blog, about NOVA's various social networking/web 2.0 presences--our Facebook and MySpace pages, NOVA on Twitter, and NOVA on iTunes U. We're also on LinkedIn, and we have a YouTube channel. Check them all out here (bottom of the page).

Do you know about these things? Have you heard any of your students mention them? Take a look at them--what uses can you see for your own teaching? (For example, in iTunes U, there's an 8-minute video Lori made interviewing a successful ELI student about her strategies for success; would it be helpful for your students to watch that video?) What ideas do you have for other things ELI, or the college, should develop for sharing on these sites?

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