Tidbits, Resources, and Discussion for ELI Faculty

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

ELI Professional Development Day, Fall 2008

I just sent you all an email announcing our ELI Professional Development Day, which will be held on September 12. Some of you know that I planned similar events for Loudoun campus adjunct faculty when I worked at Loudoun, and they were always a lot of fun and really useful to those who attended. I'm looking forward to trying this out at ELI! We don't get many opportunities to share with each other what we are doing in our classes, nor to sit back and reflect on what the research literature currently can tell us about teaching effectively online, and I hope this will be a chance to do both of these things. Bob Loser and I will be contacting some of you later this summer about presenting a session!

I welcome your thoughts, questions, and suggestions about what this day will be like and what you would like to see that day in terms of format, topics, or whatever you have ideas about!


Anonymous said...

Very good idea, Jennifer! A concentrated time of workshops, discussions, networking, etc., is what makes New Horizons so stimulating each year. I'd suggest demonstrations of new technologies such as Class Top (I've yet to be convinced it's very helpful, but I'm probably missing something), and perhaps some roundtable "tips and tricks" sessions on both pedagogy and technology.

Anonymous said...

I am excited about an all day series of workshops. I think this is a GREAT idea for those of us who are available preceeding the faculty meeting.

I too would like an open discussion on Blackboard tips & tricks.

Also open discussion on how we manage class assignments, grading policies, due dates, etc.

And I'd love to hear about what makes for high retention and success rates in those ELI courses that have such a proven track record. How about a panel of faculty and ID who have designed/taught such classes speaking on what they feel leads to the great success rate in these courses. Maybe each could share the three top things that contribute to success in each course.

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